Loss and Grief

After a loss, there is pain and grief and all sorts of emotional reactions. Mourning can be very intense when the person you lost was important to you. Your life and the world in which you live will never be the same: how do you deal with that?

Mourning is a natural process. It consists of dwelling on the loss on the one hand and of adaptation to a new situation on the other. Everyone mourns on ones own pace and own way. There are many factors that affect the process of mourning. For example, the circumstances at the time of death, memories of a previous loss or a complicated relationship with the person you lost, all influence the mourning process.

In the sessions we take time to dwell on the loss and what the loss means to you personally, in your life and to your relationships with other people. I will listen to you attentively. I can help you untangle painful feelings and how to communicate with people close to you.

Insurance coverage from Dutch supplementary insurance is available, depending on the insurance company and your policy. I am a member of the NFG, the RBCZ and the NIP.

If you want to know more about my approach or if you want to make an appointment, feel free to contact me.

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Psychologist Nijmegen

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