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My basic premise is that people are naturally inclined to develop and realize their full potential. When you are on this track, you experience a great sense of well-being, purpose, fulfillment and direction in your life. I’d like to coach you in this process and help you reach your personal or professional goals.



During the first session, we can discuss what it is you are looking for. I can help you clarify your question in such a way that you come to uncover what is at the heart of what you wish to focus on in coaching. Depending on your question and your situation, this may take one or more sessions.

In a process of self-discovery, it will become clearer to you what your values are, as well as your psychological needs, your interests and your qualities. It is possible to use various tools such as psychological tests or game methods to assist you. We will use what is best suited to your needs and what you wish to get out of the coaching. With your intrinsic motivation as the starting point, you can begin to formulate personal goals and determine tasks that you want to accomplish to achieve your goals.

Curiosity, fun and learning, without judging yourself, are important elements in this process of discovering what you really want and in achieving your goals. This way you can avoid getting stuck, increase your resilience and, while making maximum use of your strengths and talents, you have the greatest chance of success.

Throughout the process you take the lead: you decide where we go and you are responsible for the choices you make. My role is to monitor the process and help you deal with obstacles and setbacks in such a way that you stay in touch with who you are, what you need and value, and what you want to achieve.

Duration of coaching

It’s up to you! Coaching is tailored to you and your situation. How long and how often coaching sessions take place depends on your preference. Usually, the number of coaching sessions varies from 3 to 6, which may be extended by another 3 to 6 sessions.


Do you have any questions or do you want to make an appointment? Feel free to contact me!

Coach Nijmegen – Medendorp Psychologen

PSYCHOLOOG NIP – Registerpsycholoog NIP/Arbeid & Organisatie

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